Have any questions?

Questions & Answers (FAQ):


Q: Are there any hidden costs:

Yes, On the road costs, Bank initiation fees and Banks service fee.


Q: Do you need a deposit for finance:

No deposit is necessary. It all depends on the banks scoring system.


Q: Are your vehicles checked by a 3rd party for defects:

All our vehicles are AA tested.


Q: Do we accept trade-in’s:

Yes we do.


Q: What do I need to qualify:

Affordability must not be more than 25 % of your income. Good client references. Valid driver’s license. Approval depends on banks scoring system.


Q: Do you need insurance for vehicle finance:

Yes, full comprehensive insurance is required on delivery of the vehicle.


Q: What documents are needed for vehicle finance:

ID document Valid driver’s license Proof of income (Pay slip or bank statements), and Proof of address.